Informatik-Verbund Stuttgart (IVS)

The IVS – “Informatik-Verbund Stuttgart” – was founded on October 28, 1987 as a voluntary computer science union of institutes at the University of Stuttgart.

This union emphasizes the universal character of computer science as it combines different science fields and areas of application. Hence the IVS promotes:

  • an interconnection of practical applications and the basics of computer science
  • the use of adequate hardware and software tools
  • discipline specific methods of practical applications
  • advanced training by seminars, lectures and tutorials
  • improved cooperation with the industry

Within the University of Stuttgart, the IVS supports the cooperation of the institutes by improving the flow of information between them. Thus, students profit by the coordination of lectures, by jointly offered bachelor or master theses and by workshops as well as by joint ventures/projects.

The IVS considers itself an instrument of technology transfer, from research facilities to local manufacturers, producers and users. Lectures, seminars and tutorials are intended to serve this purpose.

Another focus lies on an interdisciplinary cooperation and in an involvement of different users. Thus the basis for joint ventures/projects of research facilities and industry partners will be enlarged. In this context, above all else, the IVS tries mainly to identify common interests and prepare interdisciplinary activities.



Informatik-Verbund Stuttgart – Office

c/o Dr.-Ing. Nasser Jazdi, IAS, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany

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